Wednesday, September 9, 2015

Wake Up America!!!

  Every true American knows that without God, we would be nothing. That may be a very bold statement, but to me, that is the definition of a true American. This nation was founded on principles of Christianity taken straight out of the Bible. The whole reason that the Pilgrims and the Puritans came to America was so that they could worship God. It’s been proven that the number one resource the founders used to create our founding documents, including the Constitution, was the Bible. The very first freedom that is mentioned in the Bill of Rights is the freedom to worship God. There was no way America could have won the Revolutionary War without God, and if you disagree with that statement, you have more studying to do on the Revolutionary War. God’s hand has guided this nation throughout all of our history, and the success that America has had up to this point is proof of that. The role that our nation plays in the world today is proof of that.
            However, I don’t think that very many of us truly realize the entirety of the role that God has played and still does play in American freedom. In Old Testament times, God made a covenant with Israel. It was a national covenant, and it applied to the whole land, not just a certain person. Israel was the Promised Land. The Israelites were God’s chosen people, and God covenanted that He would preserve and prosper them if they would but keep His commandments. The prophets pled and pled with the Israelites all throughout the Bible to keep their side of the covenant. Christ was even sent to the land to bring salvation to all mankind, but in the end, the nation rejected and crucified Him.
America is God's chosen land. This is
the land of the free.
            Today, America carries that covenant. America is the Promised Land, and God has guided it and preserved it because of the faithful people that have turned to Him. The covenant was re-established in America when this nation was being founded and established. This is the land where anyone can worship God in the way that they choose. This is a land of freedom, and freedom has been God’s plan from the beginning. Throughout our history as a nation, we have been faithful to God. However, there have been times in our history when we haven’t kept our side of the covenant.
            In the early/mid nineteenth century, slavery abounded in America. We were denying freedom to groups of God’s children, not only African-Americans, but many religious parties and certain other groups of people. The Constitution didn’t properly protect the freedoms of everyone, because the Bill of Rights didn’t give the Federal Government enough power to properly protect everyone’s freedoms. Action had to be taken to stop this, or God would send his punishments upon the nation.
            Unfortunately, the nation did not decide to change, and the punishments were sent. A very bloody Civil War happened, and so many people suffered. That’s when the nation finally decided to turn to God. Abraham Lincoln went through a conversion process and kept the nation together by turning it to God. By instituting the thirteenth and fourteenth amendments, Lincoln abolished slavery in America and gave the Federal Government the power that it needed to keep freedom in America.
            This nation is in a covenant with God. That covenant still exists today, and we are breaking our side. We are becoming lazy and reliant, and we are putting other Gods before the God who delivered this nation so many times. Our freedoms are being taken away daily, and many of us are doing nothing to stop it. Unless we change quickly, punishment will come upon this nation, and freedom will have to be restored manually. It’s our choice: we can turn to God as a nation, or we will have to endure His wrath.
Most Americans in this country today would agree that they are free, but they are ignorant because they do not see that they are being more and more tightly wrapped in the chains of bondage as each day passes. It is the job of every educated American to wake America up to our awful situation. Join me. Let us wake up America!

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