But one of the problems is that people don't know what to read! I would recommend reading the Great Books. These are difficult books but they will help you to become more knowledgeable in so many things. This is necessary to help remove the complacency of this generation.
But, because those are hard and they go into other topics than just government and politics, I will give you a list of those books specifically:
- The Constitution
- Pride and Prejudice (yes this is my number 2 government classic!)
- Elantris
- The Chosen
- The Hiding Place
- The Giver
- Do Hard Things
- Up from Slavery
- Proper Role of Government
- A Tale of Two Cities
- To Kill a Mockingbird
- 1776
- The Real George Washington
- The Real Thomas Jefferson
- Ender's Game
- The Hunger Games
- The Wizard of Oz
- The Lord of the Rings
- The Abolition of Man
- 1984
- The Freedom Factor
- The Prince
- The Communist Manifesto
- Dumbing us Down
- The Coming Aristocracy
- Animal Farm
- Three Against Hitler
- Wild Swans
- To Destroy you is No Loss
- Nectar in a Sieve
- The Year of Impossible Goodbyes
- The Real Benjamin Franklin
- Millenials
- The Illiad
- The Odyssey
- The Apology, The Trial and Death of Socrates
- Charlies Monument
- Remembering Isaac
- Common Sense
- The Lonesome Gods
- The Fourth Turning
- Leadershift
- 1913
- The Making of America
- The 5,000 Year Leap
I have personally read most of these, and the rest have been recommended to me by valuable sources. I would urge you to read each of these. If you do, you will one, be ready to take on the great books, and two, you will have an incredible leadership education.
Thank you,
-The Hawk & Isaiah Pack #Y4TC