There are 16 Threads of Freedom that held up our Constitution.
- A Separation of Powers between the branches of government.
- Checks (as in Checks & Balances). The founders referred to these as Negatives, or ways that one branch can stop the others
- Balances. Referred to as Positives by the founders. It is a way to force cooperation between branches.
- A Separation of powers between the Federal and State governments by using Checks and Balances.
- 20 powers of the congress written into the Constitution.
- All powers of Government were specifically written out and prescribed. All unwritten rights rest with the people.
- A Jury of the Vicinage, or a Jury of those who know you so that your rights may be properly protected. This form of jury actually had the power to negate any law in a given case if they so desired.
- Tax collection was a State power. No "Income Tax" or Federal taxation of people specifically
- States could veto Federal programs by using their appointed Senators.
- There were limits on government coining and spending money.
- A bill of rights and Due Process, Habius Corpus
- State oversight of wars and treaties via appointed Senators
- No ex post facto laws or retroactive laws.
- No bills of attainder or a bill that targets a specific group or person.
- That the Legislature has primacy. Because it is represented by the people it should have more power and more Checks.
- Privacy Rights and Protection of personal papers and forms.
These big 16 are the foundations of our Constitution. In this day of huge federal government and political upheaval we need to look for the purpose of bills and rulings.
I would like to recommend to each person reading these words, that we should look at all forms of politics through the lens of these 16. Look at the goals of government in this way, and we will be able to see through all the propaganda and media of something and really look at it in the big picture.
The Constitution is under attack. Who will stand and fight 4 the Constitution?
- The Hawk & Isaiah Pack, #Y4TC
- The Hawk & Isaiah Pack, #Y4TC