Tuesday, February 25, 2014

What Kids Need, and What the Government Gives Them

I believe that this country is headed for collapse. I also believe that we can save it. The education system is what is ripping us apart. You can trace almost any problem in our modern day society back the our corrupt schooling system. We need to change the public schooling system in order to turn our world around. We can fix this! If we can manage it our country will return to it’s former glory in just a few generations.

When was the last time you had control over what was taught at school? What is taught to the future of America! We are in a position where, if not stopped, it will take us down a path to tyranny and slavery. This is explained very clearly by the following statistics:
  • 3,030,000 Students drop out of high school every year
  • In the 50 largest cities in America 59% of students drop out of high school
  • 75% of crimes in the US are committed by high school dropouts
This does not look like a system that works. The problems in this society obviously have been flowing from the public schooling systems. Where children are taught what is, and isn’t true.

Where do the majority of American children learn “Truth” from? The public schooling system. But the problem is that the government controls this method, because of the separation of church and state, and because of outspoken minorities, God and religion are taken out of the equation. What does this result in? Easily moldable children being taught that “truth” is whatever the government deems to be “politically correct”. This is not right. This is not freedom. People with power want to keep their power (see D&C 121:39). This is one of the reasons that our country is failing. Truth has been replaced by political correctness and standardized testings. The youth of today are our future, and the government of today is taking away their knowledge of truth. They are denying us of our truth!
And we know that the violation (or denial) of truth brings less freedom.

Our country, the one that stands for freedom and justice, is destroying itself in the name of freedom! We are already experiencing the problems as the last generation has reached adulthood and too many are still completely reliant on the government for money, food, clothing, and housing. To fix this we need to do away with the “No Child Left Behind” Program, the new common core program, standardized testing, and federal control of the schooling program. We need to move the responsibility of public education  back to the states where it belongs. These are the steps that need to happen in order to bring back our glory.

The lack of truth in our schooling system and reliance on the government has caused our country to enter the state it is in now. Our country is headed for collapse. The many reasons for this can be brought back to the public schools. This is fixable, but it will require a huge change to the modern schooling system.

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