"We hold these truths to be self evident; that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their creator with certain unalienable rights. That among these are life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness... And for the support of this Declaration, with a firm reliance on the protection of divine Providence, we mutually pledge to each other our Lives, our Fortunes and our sacred Honor." - The Declaration of IndependenceOn July 4, 1776, a group of 56 men signed a document. In doing that, they signed away their lives. By putting their names on the Declaration of Independence, they committed treason against the empire of England. There are many things that we can learn from this document, many things that the signers were willing to die for. But how can we take those lessons and apply them to our corrupt society? By looking deep into those words, so eloquently penned by Thomas Jefferson, we can catch a vision of freedom. The fatal flaw in America today is our selfishness, that we will not stand for others at our own expense. We need to return to those principles which our founders fought and died for! The Declaration of Independence shows us that there were men who cared more for my liberties, than for their lives.

What happened to those brave men whose names gave the Declaration of Independence it's legitimacy? Five of them were taken captive by the British and tortured. Many of their homes were ransacked and burned. Several died fighting in the war for that very same independence. Others gave all they had in support of freedom. Children and wives were taken by British soldiers and abused before being put into prisons where they later died of neglect. We honor those brave men for that. They were some of the best men our world has ever seen. But the amazing thing is that they, with full knowledge of the consequences that could follow, gave themselves for others, for us. We need to catch that American vision again. The vision of freedom and selfless service for the future, at the expense of our very lives. We need to stand for the liberties of others, and stop wallowing in our pitiful selfishness. How many today would stand and declare to the world, "give ME liberty, or give Me death!"
The Declaration of Independence was written for us, here, today. I know that they fought and died so that I could live in a free world. I don't think that the world we live in is that world. If we can search this document, and the meaning it had in those great men's lives, then we can begin to create a world like the one they envisioned. A world where my descendants do not have to pay for others to murder innocent souls. A world where they can have a chance to do and to be what they want to be, and not be stopped cold by an over-regulatory government. I want a world where my grandchildren will have their rights to religion; the right to say what they want to, even if it's against homosexuality; a world where they can live in peace. Not one that they have to live their life paying off my debts. This world is possible. It's existed before. We need only to be filled, each one of us, with the passion of those signers. A passion that brought them to poverty. So their children might be rich.
We cannot wait. If we wait to change, or assume that we will not have to face the consequences of our actions, I promise each of you that if we let that happen, we will have to look our posterity in the eyes and tell them why you didn't defend them. You have a responsibility; you must defend freedom. If you do not than you will answer for that. Are you willing to stand for that liberty? Or are your comforts too big a price to pay for the freedom of others? Is maintaining your reputation and safety worth generations condemned to slavery because you would not relinquish it? I do not know what others will choose. I do not know if they will have that strength. But for me, I will not permit that. As for me? Give my children liberty, or give me death.
Great essay. I like how you applied it to today and the future.
ReplyDeleteThanks! I try to rival yours. But I don't think it normally works...
ReplyDeleteMine is like the divided by four and then some